السبت، 14 سبتمبر 2013

How to Increase Your Willpower

Willpower is often associated with losing weight, quitting smoking or sitting down to read and study. Actually, it is useful and necessary in all walks of life, in sports, achieving goals, self improvement and in meditation. It is a skill well worth developing.
It is said that the imagination is stronger than willpower, and that what you imagine again and again, eventually affects your subconscious mind and turns into a habit. This is true, but when you possess willpower you can tell your mind what to think and what to imagine, and you can insist on acting in a certain way. Without willpower you just let passing thoughts and whims dictate to you what to do. By building willpower you gain the ability control your imagination.
Willpower helps you focus your mind on the goal and hold it there, without being sidetracked. How can you succeed, if you keep changing goals or changing your mind

So how do you go about building and increasing willpower
     You can do so by training and developing this skill by special exercises.
Here are a few tips and strategies for building and increasing willpower
Do a little more
Read one more page before you close your book. Wash one extra plate when you wash dishes. Walk another two minutes when doing your daily walk.
Respect your decisions
When you decide to do something, do it. Don't procrastinate or change your mind.
Do things differently
Don't be a slave to your habits. Do differently things that you always do in the same way. Seek more creative ways to do things in your everyday life.
Be committed
When you start doing something that can improve your life, be committed to go with it to the end.
Make laziness your trigger to doing things
Regard laziness as an opportunity for building willpower. If you do not succumb to it, you increase your willpower.
What you can do once, you can do always
If you can avoid a bad habit once, in time you will be able to overcome it completely.
Start again and again
Building your willpower is not achieved in a day. You need time to overcome habits of many years. No matter how many time you fail, start again.
Seek supportive friends
Seek to be in the company people who are positive and motivating.
Don't quit
Remember, failure is not the sign to quit, but the sign to begin again. Strong people with strong willpower are not dismayed by failure. They start again, with even more desire and ambition.
You can strengthen your willpower when you earnestly try!
Remez Sasson teaches and writes on positive thinking, creative visualization, motivation, self-improvement, peace of mind, spiritual growth and meditation. He is the author of several books, among which are "Peace of mind in Daily Life", "Will Power and Self Discipline", "Visualize and Achieve" and "Affirmations - Words of Power".
Visit his website and find articles and books filled with inspiration, motivation and practical advice and guidancehttp://25488b-gp9-qbxe9ole7v05eab.hop.clickbank.net/ 

How a Forex Automated Trading System Could Increase Your Cash Flow

 Having a Forex automated trading system is very profitable. Imagine having a system that has been used by the professional on your Forex account. You would be making the same trades as the pros and it will be done automatically. You don't have to set the trades or manage your money, this is all automated.
When I first heard of this I was a bit skeptical. From reading "The Market Wizard" which interviews Americas top trader. All of the successful traders follow a trading strategy. Their trading strategy is followed religiously. They do not brake their rules. They knew not to let emotions get in there way, sort of like a heartless human being. This was one of the biggest problems for me. I would let my emotions get to me. If I was on a losing streak, I would get angry and risk more money to get what I lost back. As a result, this made me a bigger loser.
We are human so it's only right that we let our emotions get to play. This takes a lot of discipline to tackle. With practice anybody could get over letting there emotions come in their way of making money. Ask yourself, do you let negative emotions get to you before you start trading.
My biggest benefit of having a Forex automated trading system is that it's simply a robot. Robot are not human, they don't deal with the negative emotions. My system is automated and traded by the professionals. Its one of the only system that's correct 90% of the time. It don't matter how bad the market is doing, my system will always make profitable returns. It also follows risk management rules that only risk 2% of my account. It don't matter if we have a bull or bear market, there is always money to be made in trading currency.
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